How I Went From Wanting to Die to Loving My Life

How I Went From Wanting to Die to Loving My Life

I used to wake up every day wanting to die.

Not all of me wanted that. There were parts of me that wanted to live large, travel the world, be an entrepreneur, inspire others and make a real difference as a writer, teacher, philanthropist and all-round shift-disturber, starting and supporting projects that make the world better.

But this one loud and persistent part of me wanted nothing to do with any of that. It just wanted to die.

Why Envy is Good

There’s a buildup of adrenaline pulsing through my body. I feel like punching somebody. But this doesn’t make sense, because I’m watching an inspiring TEDx video of Dan Millman, the author of one of my favourite books, that was turned into a movie called “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior.” Irony much?