6 Components of an Effective Goal Mastery System (Part 4 of 5)

For a house to stand strong, it must have a solid foundation. So, if success is important to you, you’re going to have to roll up your sleeves and do the boring, unsexy and time-consuming job of building that foundation to support your vision.

If it feels overwhelming (and it will), remember, you don’t have to do all these things at once. You can pick one element and try it out. Then pick another. Each of these components has the power to help you make positive shifts in your reality.

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4 Exercises to Set the Right Goals and Love Your Life (Part 2 of 5)

we don’t just want a system for achieving our goals—we also need a system for choosing the right goals, which are aligned with who we ARE and what we really want (as opposed to what we think we want—because we think it will make us happy).

I have listed the following exercises in the order I feel they should be done to get the best result (because I did them in this order and got a great result). The first exercise feeds into the second and so on, so please don’t skip any.

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3 Steps to Creating a Goal Mastery System (Part 1 of 5)

(Part 1 of 4: A Goal Mastery System to Rule Them All)

As a writer who gets lost in the world of creating for hours at a time, not to mention the hours I spend doing meditation and emotional integration practices to strengthen my intuitive abilities, I’ve had a love-hate relationship with to-do lists and productivity management systems all my life.

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Feel Better Now (with this simple tool)

Quick. I’m sure you’re annoyed about something or someone right now. Because…human. :)

So what do you think you need to feel better about yourself or your life in relation to this situation?

Now ask yourself:

And what will that give me (that I don’t have now)?

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You Need a Self Doubt Mastery Plan (so you can do the stuff that matters)

It was one of the greatest nights of my life.

One hundred people mingled together in the small room I had booked next to a large music venue.

As an introvert who has always loved helping to create a sense of community for people (but rarely do because I truly border on reclusive), knowing that I had brought all these people together and that they were now connecting, talking and laughing thrilled me. But the best part? They had all come to listen to me read from my newly launched book Help Me, Asia: Five Countries, One Mission, Learn How to Be Happy–the writing of which had been a trying, 10-year labour of love.

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Purpose, Your Business and Trailblazing

Most people, when they set out to create their business, try to monetize their passion. Or, worse, they try to figure out what other people want and need, and give it to them.

But, if you know maverick millionaire entrepreneur, and TED Talks master, Derek Sivers, that’s actually his proven, successful model for starting businesses. Get serious about solving your own problems then share those solutions with others.

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What No One Wants to Tell You: You Can’t Just ARRIVE

Dear TRailBLazer,

No one just ARRIVES.

We have to go on THE JOURNEY.

So if your life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns right now, don’t worry too much about it. Just celebrate how far you’ve come and keep moving in the direction of your highest vision for yourself, with your head held high!

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How I Went From Wanting to Die to Loving My Life

I used to wake up every day wanting to die.

Not all of me wanted that. There were parts of me that wanted to live large, travel the world, be an entrepreneur, inspire others and make a real difference as a writer, teacher, philanthropist and all-round shift-disturber, starting and supporting projects that make the world better.

But this one loud and persistent part of me wanted nothing to do with any of that. It just wanted to die.

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Are You Programmed to Fail? (Let’s change that)


That’s the feeling when you know there’s something you want to do, but you’re not doing it.

I know it well.

But why aren’t you (we?) doing it?

Well, duh. Fear of failure, right? Isn’t that the bogeyman in the closet that keeps all us adults awake at night?

Sometimes. But that’s usually just a cover for the real fear.

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The Self Love Cheat Sheet

The real confusion around self love is that people think it’s a noun, but it’s actually a verb.

It’s something you actively choose to do. Every day.

Notice how you feel during the moments when you are doing the things I’ve listed below. I’ll bet you feel good. That’s what self love feels like. Worth pursuing, no?

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Why Self Love (and Self Trust) is So Hard

Self love (and, by extension, self trust) is hard.

It’s hard to talk about, because we’ve been taught that it’s either airy fairy or it’s selfish.

It’s hard to do, because our culture barely talks about or openly practices it, so we don’t even know what it looks or feels like.

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How Not to Be Miserable in 2016

Dear Friends,

As you may have noticed, over the holidays I shut down most of my social media activities. This was a conscious decision, so I could hear what my Inner Voice is asking of me for 2016.

We all have that voice, but it’s hard to hear what it’s saying amid the drama and expectations of our daily lives, and especially during the non-stop marathon that is the holidays.

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How to Deal With Worry: An Easy Tool

Lately, with all the shit going down in the world, I’ve found myself worrying a lot about where it’s all taking us.

Fortunately I know that worrying is not an efficient use of my time on Earth. But what can you do about it?

Well here’s what I’m doing. I’m using my new “Can’t/Can Framework”. Maybe you’ll find it useful as well.

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How To Be A Genius Like Einstein

One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein presented his Theory of General Relativity, which set forward the paradigm-shifting idea that gravity between objects is caused by curvatures in space and time. If you’ve always wanted to understand what the hell that means, this post isn’t going to help you–but this cute 3-minute video will do the trick.

My obsession has always been: How do people come up with ideas like that? What energetic laws are they harnessing, and how can I use them myself?

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Why Haters Are Helpful

Someone says something to you that you don’t like. You feel angry. Really angry. You spend the next hour imagining all the brilliant, witty things you’ll say back to them in your defense.

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Intuition Only Opens the Door

Over the years, the word NaNoWriMo has come up many times for me, but all I really knew about it was that people who did it had to write an entire novel in a month.


Not gonna work for me, I thought.

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2 Things You Must Understand To Create Your Reality

I help people create their own reality.

This sounds crazy, at first, but it’s actually based in solid principles, following a predictable process that gets results every time. I’ve seen it happen so many times now in my life and in the lives of my clients that I don’t question it anymore. I just keep figuring out how to optimize it. One of those ways is to help people understand the context around creating their reality.

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